Anything is Possible!

With Love, Hope, and Perseverance

SoCS: Bound for a New Adventure


Today’s prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: ends with “ound.” Find a word (or words) that ends with “ound” and use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Well, I guess I better pound out something for SoCS, but it might not be profound. I’m behind on responding to comments and reading other blogs, but there’s no rule about that I know of. We found a house, and our offer was accepted. Now we are in the thick of the process of inspections, blah, blah, blah. Not to be disrespectful, (inspections are very important) but I don’t like paperwork/bureaucracy/red tape as it used to be called. Why red? I don’t know. It’s late, Friday night, so I probably won’t look it up. But the paperless paperwork does sometimes threaten to overshadow the excitement and nervousness of a new adventure.

Still, I am grateful for the opportunity, for the possibility of a new adventure.

Anything can be an adventure if we frame it that way.

I might have lost a single pound and would like to lose about 9 more. It is definitely harder to lose weight when we get older. I imagine myself doing yoga out on my new deck in a couple of months. It’s not a done deal but imagining is okay. It’s like manifesting which I believe was helped by certain getting ready actions – painting an old window in my kitchen, getting rid of the rusty flat-tired bike I haven’t ridden in years, picking out books to donate…. the decluttering continues.

Now lots of ound words are running around in my head. The sound of music when our old hound Doodle used to bay when I tuned my guitar. I miss that girl. Maybe one day, Marley will sing with me. I’d like the sound of that.


It’s now Saturday morning and a group workday at the Farm Animal Sanctuary, so I’ll be back to WP later this evening. Thank you for your patience. I’ll catch up on comments eventually.

May peace and blessings abound to you and your loved ones.


For more streams and rules for SoCS,

visit out host, Linda Hill,

by clicking HERE.

Author: JoAnna

An open minded, tree-hugging Jesus follower, former counselor, and life-long lover of animals, I'm returning to my creative roots and have published my first book: Trust the Timing, A Memoir of Finding Love Again as well as the short version: From Loneliness to Love.

10 thoughts on “SoCS: Bound for a New Adventure

  1. I will miss you!


  2. You did well in using six words ending in “ound” 🙂 Congrats on finding a house you like! A new adventure definitely awaits you and David in your newfound home and community.

  3. abound finishes the theme nicely

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