Anything is Possible!

With Love, Hope, and Perseverance

SoCS: Crocs, Gators, and a Birthday Hike


Our Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “roc.” We are to find a word with “roc” in it or use it as a word all by itself, and enjoy!

Crocodiles are different from alligators. We have alligators here in North Carolina. I’ve seen them at the lake and less often in the creek not far from my house. Alligators are not as aggressive as crocodiles. I have to admit that I researched the differences before starting this stream. I was curious! But I’m still writing in SoCS style and did a minimum of planning. I think that’s the rule.

I used to think there were no crocodiles in the US, but read that southern Florida is the only place where gators and crocs coexist. Crocs have pointier snouts. I guess I thought gator snouts were pointy because that’s how they look in the water. Crocs live in South America and Africa. I’m glad gators aren’t that aggressive, at least to people, but you have to be careful not to let small dogs or cats run around gator territory. Don’t want to think too much about that.

How about this sign?

WARNING: Beware of Alligators

Is that sign just weathered, or did the alligators come up and rub those letters so you couldn’t read them? Why would they do that? Why would I even imagine that? Too much imagination. Let’s move on.

Crocs are a brand of functional shoes. I love my crocs sandals with lots of cushioning. The first pair I had lasted at least two years. Then each pair afterward seemed to last less time. It helps if I don’t wear them to do yoga outside. Seems I need more and more cushioning under my old feet. No more going barefoot. Maybe that’s a good thing. My feet will be a little safer from crocs, gators, and snakes when I go on hikes to the creek or my urban forest.

On Tuesday we went on a birthday hike for my daughter’s 28th birthday to a nature preserve across the bridge in the next county. There were places where alligators might have been hiding. No crocs though. We did see a turtle. (It looked like a turtle, but there was no water nearby so maybe it was a tortoise?) We hiked lots of varied terrain – woods, fields, and swamp. Not many rocks though like up north in the mountains. Glad it was too early for the mosquitoes to be out in force. I’ve only seen a few, but it’s been very dry here lately. It won’t be long…. Anyway, here a few photos from my daughter’s birthday hike.


Today’s prompt is brought to you by our SoCS post, Linda Hill. You can find rules and more streams of consciousness by clicking the link below:

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS May 22, 2021 | (

Author: JoAnna

An open minded, tree-hugging Jesus follower, former counselor, and life-long lover of animals, I'm returning to my creative roots and have published my first book: Trust the Timing, A Memoir of Finding Love Again as well as the short version: From Loneliness to Love.

13 thoughts on “SoCS: Crocs, Gators, and a Birthday Hike

  1. Beautiful pics, JoAnna. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter. My son would have been 28 this year! Please give her an extra virtual hug from me!🤍

    • Thank you for letting me know this about your son. I’m sending virtual hugs to you, too, Stacy. In fact, as I write this, I’m imagining you being encircled by the comforting wings of a special angel.

  2. We had a turtle that looked the one you showed. My guess is that’s what it is. They get out of the water to sunbathe…

    • Maybe it was soaking up the sun. Its shell was unusually shiny. The swamp was less than a mile away, so maybe there was other water closer than I realized.

  3. Crocodiles are not numbered among my favorite creatures. Best to keep my distance. Beautiful photos of your birthday hike with your daughter. My sons are both taller than I am and they love to boast about it 🙂

  4. I think a hike is an excellent way to celebrate a birthday, JoAnna! Lovely photos! Have a pleasant week! 🙂

    • I started going on my own birthday hikes when she was a child, so it’s nice she’s adopted the tradition. 🙂 You have a pleasant week, too, Cheryl! 🙂

  5. A splendid post. My sons are taller than me now I have new knees 🙂

  6. Thank you for sharing a part of your world and adventure!!… hope your daughter had a happy birthday and all you had a wonderful outing!!… no gators here, just a large snapping turtle with a attitude… 🙂

    Until we meet again..
    May the sun shine all day long
    Everything go right, nothing go wrong
    May those you love bring love back to you
    And may all the wishes you wish come true
    (Irish Saying)

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