Anything is Possible!

With Love, Hope, and Perseverance

One-Liner Wednesday X 2 : Grief


“Grief unprocessed becomes bitterness, resentment, and unharnessed fury.

Grief processed becomes a unstoppable force of compassion, empathy, and love.”

                                               Allison Fallon

    “When There is Violence, Hatred, and Evil in the World – Now is the time to Write.”


For more One-liners, visit Linda G. Hill at:

The rules, which I sometimes follow are:

1. Make it one sentence.

2. Try to make it either funny or inspirational.

3. Use our unique tag #1linerWeds.

4. Add our very cool badge to your post for extra exposure!

5. Have fun!


Author: JoAnna

An open minded, tree-hugging Jesus follower, former counselor, and life-long lover of animals, I'm returning to my creative roots and have published my first book: Trust the Timing, A Memoir of Finding Love Again as well as the short version: From Loneliness to Love.

22 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday X 2 : Grief

  1. I love this quote. It helped me through the election, which was a difficult for me. There were a lot of things to grieve, knowing what was coming. Nice to see it today. Thanks JoAnna.

  2. I may not participate in the one-liner thing, but I wanted to comment on the theme of grief. I think the Allison Fallon quote is very truthful. I was put on a tranquilizer the morning my mother was to die, then she died that afternoon, unexpectedly. The combination of the tranquilizing medication and her death made it impossible for me to stop the instant shock I felt. Instead of grieving, I literally lost all internal image of her, and pretty much blocked out every conversation she and I had ever had. It took me years to get any feeling for my mother back. In the process, I became unusually angry. I lost my job, and every job I got for the next three years, I would lose in a fit of rage. Grieving has, however, occurred since then, though delayed; and I am regaining my compassion and humor. So, I just thought I’d share that. Excellent “one liner,” for Wednesday.

    • Thank you for sharing that powerful insight, A.P. People, including doctors, often underestimate the risks with tranquilizers regarding memory loss. It’s hard to feel feelings that can be overwhelming, but if we don’t process grief, at least a little at a time, it just sits there and can get messy, as you’ve described. I’m so thankful you’ve had the courage to work through this. I have allowed myself to cry when I need to about my father’s death, and though it hurts, the pain is getting smaller and the waves of sadness get further apart. I wish you the very best. Thanks again for sharing this!

      • I think crying is also very cleansing. It took about three weeks for me to begin to cry over my father — more like three years with my mother. When my sister died, however, I began crying immediately, and cried solidly three days, as every wonderful memory of her flooded my brain as though in technicolor. So grieving can take place many different ways, but I do feel thankful that in the case of my sister, there was no chemical medication interfering with that process.

  3. Hi JoAnna! Beautiful quote…thank you…it is timely for me.
    AND…I have been away and not fully caught up….but I see now that you published your book AND I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!! Congratulations my friend…what an accomplishment. It must feel so good to have completed it.
    Sending lots of love and light ❤

  4. Thanks for bringing us this quote. So important these days.

  5. Grief seems to be a theme, as our family is under its shadow right now.. An important quote to remember .. Love and Blessings.. xxx ❤ Sue

  6. It is good to counter all the darkness with some light. And definitely not good to bottle up grief. 🙂

  7. Good distinction between processed and unprocessed grief. One can tell the difference by seeing the results in one’s actions.

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