Anything is Possible!

With Love, Hope, and Perseverance

Good News Tuesday for June 4, 2024: Drop in Violent Crime in England and Wales, The Man Who Saved a Forest, Breakthrough in Breast Cancer Research, Native American Doctors, and Honoring a Super Foster Mom


Seeking Balance One Tuesday at a Time

Decrease in Violent Crime Reported in England and Wales

According to the Crime Survey for England and Wales, violence, burglary and car crime have been declining for 30 years (by 80 -90%.) This decrease reflects a general trend for high income countries and is believed to be partly due to increased security measures for homes and cars. The public perception that crime has increased seems to be influenced by how mainstream media focus on bad news and political rhetoric. This report comes from GoodGoodGood

A related article from BBC reports “Serious Violence Falls Sharply in England and Wales.”

Meet the Man who Saved One of India’s Largest Forests

Alok Shukla was honored to win the 2024 Goldman Award, also known as the “Green Nobel” for saving one of India’s largest forests from coal mining. Read more about the importance of his work in this article from the Good News Network.

Breakthrough in Breast Cancer Research

Scientists have learned how to keep samples of human breast tissue alive for a week or more outside the body. This breakthrough will allow testing with “far greater accuracy” on specific types of breast tissue and will also reduce testing on animals. The Guardian has details HERE.

Native American Doctors Graduate from Reservation College

Nine Native Americans are graduating medical school from Oklahoma State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine at the Cherokee Nation. This is the first physician training program located on a Native American reservation. Read more about the program and the students in this article from PBS.

Retiring Foster Mom Honored After Raising over 40 Children

Foster parent Emma Patterson was honored after fostering more than 40 children over three decades. Watch the video to learn more about this special lady:

Got Good News?

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Author: JoAnna

An open minded, tree-hugging Jesus follower, former counselor, and life-long lover of animals, I'm returning to my creative roots and have published my first book: Trust the Timing, A Memoir of Finding Love Again as well as the short version: From Loneliness to Love.

23 thoughts on “Good News Tuesday for June 4, 2024: Drop in Violent Crime in England and Wales, The Man Who Saved a Forest, Breakthrough in Breast Cancer Research, Native American Doctors, and Honoring a Super Foster Mom

  1. These are all terrific articles. The crime one is very heartening.

  2. JoAnna, in such grim headlines across the world these good news stories are very welcome. Kudos to Alok Shukla for his incredible work to save one of the largest forests in India – what an achievement and great recognition.

  3. A drop in crime is the best news. A great post, as always.

  4. I give thanks for foster parent Emma Patterson. What an amazing woman!

  5. I had to laugh at the top statistic… Apologies if I contradict that particular on about my home country England..
    People now are not even bothering to report petty crime here in England, because the Police often fail to do anything to investigate it.. They will often not even come around, but give you a crime number over the phone and that is the last you hear of it… So no wonder crime figures look down on paper..
    And I have that from a local neighbourhood watch group Cars are being stolen, bikes, cars broken into.. etc… And lots of violent crime still on going ..

    I can only say this from reading these incidents first hand on the forum of a local neighbourhood support group.

    Knife crime is also up, its not all as the Mainstream pretend it is especially that particular channel …

    And wow and Kudos to that foster mother, well done for giving children a home to be raised in with love xx ❤

    Thank you JoAnna… for those Good news stories stories, ❤ xxx ❤

    • Thanks for the firsthand account, Sue. Do you think the police are understaffed?

      • I don’t really know what it is, JoAnna, except people in England only see police in our towns rarely on the beat.

        But they are always flying around with blue lights in cars
        Yet when people report a crime such as those I mentioned, and they ring the police, they very often don’t attend petty crime, just giving a crime number

        So if violent crime is reduced, what are they flying around in blue lights for..

        London had a drive-by shooting into a cafe last week, 3 men and a girl around 11 shot.
        Nottingham last week had 3 stabbings in the news. An imagrant went mad with a machete killing and injuring others . Somewhere else.

        We never used to hear of such crimes, which I only why I questioned that piece of good news . These are no longer rare incidents..

        Thank you you again JoAnna for ALL You share.. we need those good news snippets xxx 😍💗😘🙏

        • Sigh. For some reason, I think of those kinds of killings mostly happening here in the US. Maybe it’s a stereotype I hold of England being Idyllic…. definitely a gap in my awareness. Thanks for sharing these experiences. It’s important to be aware of reality – both the good news and the bad. We humans certainly have a long way to go.

          • Yes, we do, JoAnna, but also remember, there are far more good people out there than bad. And it’s only the msm who focus on the bad,which makes it seem overwhelming.
            And if the msm instead focused our awareness on the good news stories instead of the negative, they could change the whole of reality in a very short space of time. As people would all then be focusing on the good.
            Keep doing what you are doing my friend. You are adding more goodness than you know xx 😘 😍

  6. Wonderful, as always! No link for the second one, though. 😦

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