Anything is Possible!

With Love, Hope, and Perseverance

“Give Peace to Every Heart” and “A Groovy Kinda Love”


Bee’s post about Ukraine inspired me to change my plans a bit today and start with this Taize song. I hope to sing it at church soon, alternating with the English, “Give Peace to Every Heart.” Maybe I can find someone to accompany me.

Now, for the song I had planned for today:

Originally recorded by American vocalists, Diane and Annita in 1965, “A Groovy Kind of Love” was a hit in 1966 sung by the UK group, The Mindbenders. Many people have recorded this dreamy song, but I like how Phil Collins sings it in this rehearsal with Melody Dylem

“Love is in da blog” is hosted by Bee every February. Thank you, Bee! Please click the link above to Bee’s post for details.

Author: JoAnna

An open minded, tree-hugging Jesus follower, former counselor, and life-long lover of animals, I'm returning to my creative roots and have published my first book: Trust the Timing, A Memoir of Finding Love Again as well as the short version: From Loneliness to Love.

18 thoughts on ““Give Peace to Every Heart” and “A Groovy Kinda Love”

  1. Great JoAnna! Thanks for sharing, and have a nice (rest of the) day! xx Michael

  2. Ah, another one of my favourite songs:” a groovy kind of love”. Thanks for the Taize song too I love their music even though I didn’t know this one. I said on Willows blog that we maybe need to write more anti-war poems to change the energies towards peace. Singing would do too I guess. I currently sing the Bots song: ” Das weiche Wasser bricht den Stein” which means “the soft water breaks the stone”. Its an 80s anti-nuklear song from a Dutch band. The refrain says” it breaks down the strongest walls and even if we are small and even if we are weak we want to be like the water. The soft water breaks the stone”. That’s the hope, I am clinging to. Take good care and thanks so much for taking part! 💕

  3. Lee Sklar playing the bass with Phil. One of my many heroes.

  4. Love the Phil Collins version.

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