Anything is Possible!

With Love, Hope, and Perseverance

God’s Whisper


This past weekend, my daughter and I attended a writer’s retreat at God’s Whisper Farm.


Located in Radiant, Virginia, the home of Andi and Phillip and their family of dogs, cats, goats and chickens, is a place where one finds peace and quiet, laughter and wisdom, a place to hear God’s whisper.

cows on hilltop

house 2

After Andi showed us to our room upstairs in the old farm house, we took a brief tour of the farm.


bench and table

goats with tree       Goats good

We enjoyed a healthy dinner and read some of our work around the campfire. That’s when I discovered fireflies! An abundance of fireflies blinking on and off around the farmhouse! I took a video with my phone. Maybe some day, I’ll figure out how to load my phone videos to this blog. For now, just know that fireflies are alive and well at God’s Whisper Farm, where I did not notice any mosquitoes.

On Saturday morning, after a walking meditation led by Kelly Chripczuk, Andi read to us from The Mindful Writer, then we worked on writing exercises to help us explore what we need to let go of, what gets in the way of our writing, and what we love about writing.

On Saturday afternoon, we each workshopped a piece of writing and received helpful feedback from the group. Then Andi, author of The Slaves Have Names, and author Shawn Smucker, shared their knowledge and experience on writing and publishing.

After dinner, my daughter and I visited the neighboring pasture where the cows watched us with curiosity, from a distance.

cow below

cow standing at attention

cows coming

We looked for the deer we saw on the hilltop Friday evening. This time, I was ready with my zoom lens, but the deer must’ve had other plans for Saturday night.

distant deer too

Later, we rejoined the group around the fire in the field and listened to Shawn read the first chapter of his book: The Day The Angels Fell.




On the last day of the retreat, we talked about making time for our writing and how important this is for our well being. Shawn passed along a question asked by the rector of his church:

“Could it be that God delights in the things that bring us happiness?”

happy dog

I come home from this retreat with gratitude for the encouragement and affirmation I received, with a new sense of excitement and direction for my work, preparing me to make a leap of faith, with confidence that God’s whisper is leading me on a path of creativity and freedom.  I believe it is a path that will delight the Creator who ignited this creative spark in me many years ago, knowing it would come alive when the time was right.

All photos on this post were taken by JoAnne Silvia at God’s Whisper Farm.

Author: JoAnna

An open minded, tree-hugging Jesus follower, former counselor, and life-long lover of animals, I'm returning to my creative roots and have published my first book: Trust the Timing, A Memoir of Finding Love Again as well as the short version: From Loneliness to Love.

20 thoughts on “God’s Whisper

  1. This is so beautiful and encouraging 🙂 A lovely post…

  2. Wow! What beautiful pictures and a wonderful place! It looks very much like the place I’ve envisioned for my retirement one day. 🙂

  3. Sounds like a great weekend. Wish I could have been there. Love the photos and the story. Hugs, N 🙂 ❤

  4. Andi is a great teacher and I’m looking forward to being at God’s Whisper one day. Thank you for this blog.

  5. She sure is a great teacher, and a good person, too. I’ve learned so much from Andi. It’s been my pleasure to share my perspective on God’s Whisper. I know you’ll be there when the time is right 🙂 Thank you for making this connection!

  6. This is such a beautiful place. Lovely post

  7. Yes, I believe that God loves all expressions of creativity! Thank you for the lovely post.

  8. I really enjoyed putting this together, to both share and remember the experience. Thanks for affirming that God loves all expressions of creativity, especially being the Creator and all.

  9. What a beautiful setting to write, visit or live! Thanks for sharing JoAnne.

  10. It’s an honor to share this, Brad. I’m glad you like it. 🙂

  11. Pingback: Pigs, Chickens, and Almond Milk | Anything is Possible!

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