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With Love, Hope, and Perseverance


Good News Tuesday for June 18, 2024: How Seoul Helps Bees, Cool Donations, Indonesia’s Female Forest Rangers, and the Youngest Boy to Get a Bionic Arm

Seeking Balance One Tuesday at a Time

Seoul Bans Neonicotinoids to Help Bees

In an effort to protect honeybees, Seoul, Korea has banned the use of neonicotinoids and plans to use less toxic pesticides. To learn more, click HERE.

Cool Donations from Whirlpool

Whirlpool has donated more than 900 refurbished refrigerators and delivered more than 250,000 pounds of food to food banks and other agencies needing cold storage. Good Good Good has more about the company’s Feel Good Fridge program.

Women Rangers Work to Protect Forests in Indonesia

“It took years, but eventually Saleh felt the message of his wife. He stopped poaching and cutting down trees and began joining his wife on patrols of the forest.” Associated Press

Teams of women led rangers are patrolling Indonesia’s forests as they work to reduce illegal mining, poaching, and logging. This inspiring in-depth article from Associated Press includes great photos.

Five-Year-Old Becomes Youngest Child to be Fitted with Bionic Arm

Jordan Marotta was born with one hand. Initially, his mother was told, at age 5, he was probably too young to receive a mechanical limb, but Open Bionics let Jordan try out an arm to see if he could use it. After a successful trial, Jordan got his new arm earlier than usual. The story from The Good News Network, contains the following video where you can hear Jordan’s encouraging words.

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