Anything is Possible!

With Love, Hope, and Perseverance

SoCS: The Good, the Bad, and the Old House Smells


Today’s prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “What’s that smell?” Write the first thing that comes to mind. Enjoy!

Some smells are unmistakable, like the smell of poop which dogs are so interested in, or the smell of honeysuckle which I love. I hate the smell of sauerkraut but love the smell of horses. I also hate the smell of walking into Best Buy, which reminds me of plastic, but I’m not sure, maybe it’s some chemical thing that happens when a lot of computers and other high-tech devices get together in one place. It makes me feel sick.

I’d much rather smell honeysuckle, pine trees, and horses. I don’t mind the smell of dogs, but wet dog smell isn’t that appealing. The smell of my husband’s skin is still appealing to me since it was imprinted on my 16-year-old brain. That’s a good sign if you like how a person smells naturally. Dogs are way better at smelling things than humans. Marley will sniff a particular patch of grass or a fire hydrant like he’s reading the news.

Our old house, built in the 1940s, has a smell. I don’t notice it unless I’ve been gone for a couple of days, then I get used to it. My local realtor friend with a good nose said it’s not water damage, it just smells a little musty like old houses do. My house has always had this smell, even when I bought it in the late 1980s, and even after I took up all the carpet and we had major renovations. Maybe something got into the wood which covers most of the floors.

Our “new” house has a smell, too. (It was built in 1989 and also has wood floors.) It just smell a little musty, but I’m sure that will change once we get the dog and the cat in there and open some windows. Thank goodness for essential oils. Frankincense is one of my favorites. It invigorates me and reminds me of when I used oil paints a very long time ago, or something I’ve smelled in an artist studio. Lavender is relaxing of course. Oregano oil is very strong. One drop in soup goes a long way.

Come to think of it, my parents’ house had a subtle smell. Grandparents’ houses often have a smell. Does everyone’s house have a smell? I imagine the older the house is, the more it has its own smell.

When I typed the word, smell, into my personal photo search, I came up with this rose from my church. Some roses don’t have much smell anymore, but this one did.


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Author: JoAnna

An open minded, tree-hugging Jesus follower, former counselor, and life-long lover of animals, I'm returning to my creative roots and have published my first book: Trust the Timing, A Memoir of Finding Love Again as well as the short version: From Loneliness to Love.

22 thoughts on “SoCS: The Good, the Bad, and the Old House Smells

  1. I love the smell of roses and my favorite if purple roses. My Granny had a couple by the house. 🙂

  2. Interesting about houses having their own smells. I’m more likely to smell what’s cooking or baking 🙂

  3. Electronics do have a very distinct smell when they’re brand new, a smell that dissipates over time. That’s probably what you’re smelling at Best Buy.

  4. Wonderful post and musing JoAnna. I’m very sensitive to smells too and love the smells of pine, certain flowers, and food cooking.

  5. An olfactory delight. Unfortunately my grandmother had no sense of smell, so she made me smell pretty unpleasant stuff

  6. I’ve often wished I could have a dog’s sense of smell for just five minutes, just to know what that feels like. Then again, maybe ignorance is bliss. 😛 Our current house smells, when I’ve been away for a couple days and I first crack the door, like some old hippie breakfast joint where they make their own granola — patchouli and fried potatoes and cinnamon and strong black coffee. I don’t even use patchouli. I don’t know what makes this mysterious combo happen, but I’m rather fond of it.

  7. I love the smell of horses! I just started watching “Heartland” the series based in Alberta, Canada. I can almost smell those horses through the tv. 🙂🐴🐎 The mountain views are pretty fantastic too. That show makes me want to move there. (not right now of course with the wildfires, but maybe one day?)

    • Heartland sounds like a show I’d love. Your description of it reminds me of how many beautiful places we still have on this precious planet. I hope you get to move some place like that someday. 🙂

  8. Our house was built in 1959 and it also has a smell. I smudge regularly to clear it because if you think about it, everyone who every lived here left some kind of subtle footprint behind — which is probably why it smells — so I like to clear it with some sage and a little incense. It doesn’t last forever, but it’s good to clear the space.

    • Good point about all the people who lived in the house before. The house we are leaving was built in the 1940s. The “new” one in 1989. Thank you for reminding me about smudging. I need to do that in both houses.

  9. When the cat’s away … ;0)

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