Anything is Possible!

With Love, Hope, and Perseverance


Thursday Tree Love: Fringes for Earth Day and a Poem of Glad Awakening

Fringe Tree

Meet “Grancy Graybeard” also known as grandfather graybeard, granddaddy’s beard, old-man’s beard, snow flower tree or flowering ash, and Chionanthus virginicus. Botanists call it a fringe tree, and while I’m not technically a botanist, I’m going with that for now.

I discovered this tree with it’s delicate fringes and fragrance at Greenfield Lake Park on Saturday. What a delight to discover something new! The earth is always showing us new and wonderful things!

This poem was nearby in the fragrance garden:

Thursday Tree Love is hosted by Parul Thakur on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Please join me in sending prayers to Parul’s home of India where the second pandemic wave is hitting hard.

For more Tree Love, visit:

#ThursdayTreeLove – 108 – happiness and food