Anything is Possible!

With Love, Hope, and Perseverance

Good News Tuesday for May 21, 2024: Humanitarian Aid to Gaza, Making Wind Farms Safer for Birds, a New Accessibility App, and Pocket Forests Add Green Space in Cities


Seeking Balance One Tuesday at a Time

Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

On Friday, Trucks started delivering aid to Gaza using a giant temporary pier constructed by the U.S. Central Command and Israel Defense Forces. From the pier, the United Nations took charge of the supplies to be distributed to Palestinian civilians. The Good News Network has more.

Making Wind Farms Safer for Birds

Wind farms are good for the environment overall but can pose a threat to birds and other wildlife. This BBC article explores the challenges and identifies ways to make wind farms more bird-friendly including high visibility cables, painting blades a combination of black and white, and using sound.

New App Makes It Easy to Find Accessible Restaurants and More

A new app called Roll Mobility helps people access inclusive services and venues. The app is free and rates accessibility for people who use wheelchairs or who have other needs. You can read all about if in this article from GoodGoodGood.

Pocket Forests Increase Green Space in Cities Around the World

In New York City and around the world, tiny pocket forests are being planted by community residents to increase green space. “It might look small, but it’s mighty.”

Got Good News?

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Author: JoAnna

An open minded, tree-hugging Jesus follower, former counselor, and life-long lover of animals, I'm returning to my creative roots and have published my first book: Trust the Timing, A Memoir of Finding Love Again as well as the short version: From Loneliness to Love.

11 thoughts on “Good News Tuesday for May 21, 2024: Humanitarian Aid to Gaza, Making Wind Farms Safer for Birds, a New Accessibility App, and Pocket Forests Add Green Space in Cities

  1. Hi JoAnna, these are all very positive things. So nice to read.

  2. Especially love the tiny pocket forests initiative 🙂

  3. All positive, especially the pocket forests. It is difficult to find anything good about the Gaza situation, but we’ll have to make do with these international efforts

    • I’m glad you liked the pocket forest story, Derrick. I agree about Gaza. There are good people working hard to do good work in that mess.

  4. “Pocket Forests,” what a great idea! I have seen TV footage of urban forests in Singapore and Japan. About time the US got on board!

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